We invite you out for a day of family fun and delicious pick-your-own blueberries!
Start a healthy family tradition to keep you on this side of the grass!
Welcome to Blueberried Alive blueberry farm! This year's crop is shaping up to be our best season ever, so come out for a relaxing day in the country and a bountiful supply of fresh, delicious blueberries.
Our Berries
On our farm, we have 5 carefully selected cultivars: Duke, Spartan, Toro, Bluecrop, and Elliott--ripening in that order, with much overlap. This variety allows us to have a very long season, ranging from late June through mid-August.
For those of you who are new to this, a berry is ripe when it is completely blue. They start off hard and green, but as they ripen, they swell and turn pink, then blue, turning blue last around the stem. A berry that is partly pink is still fine to eat, but it will likely be somewhat sour. Every cultivar has a different taste and texture. They are all perfectly safe to eat and need not be washed.
Our berries are sold by the pound, because of the ease of weighing them. You might be used to buying them in pint containers at the store, so a rough conversion is in parentheses. The stingy store pints are about 0.6 lbs (though our heaped pints at the farmers markets are 0.8 lbs!)
We provide buckets, but we encourage you to bring your own. If using your own container, allow us to weigh it ahead of time so that we can subtract that weight at checkout. Our buckets hold 10-12 lbs when full, depending on your definition of full.
See my photosTake a look at what you can expect at the farm.
Organic Growing Practices, Safe, Delicious
We only spray our plants with safe, certified organic products. This ensures the health of you and the environment! Please give us a call if you'd like to learn more.
Bird Deterrence
Unfortunately, many birds love blueberries and are hard to dissuade. We do our best to deter birds with audio of bird distress cries, hawk cries, fake hawks, shiny pinwheels, and scarecrows, as these are the most humane ways we've found to deal with the birds.
Beautiful Loudonville, Ohio is waiting for you!.
Starting Monday June 26
Arrival & Orientation
We are located at 532 County Road 2302 Loudonville, OH 44842. There are two driveways close together. Ours is the longer of the two. Take it past the barn entrance and park anywhere in the grass. Further parking is available between the North and South patches, as long as it is not too wet. Consult our map for illustration. Our stand is a blue and white tent, where you can get buckets, check out, and talk to the staff. The portajon is near the stand.
The Neighbors' driveway is shorter and terminates at a blue house. Resist the urge to go there.
Leave your address with us, and we will send you a postcard at the start of next season.